深まる謎・青獅子の学級 The Mystery Deepens (Blue Lions)
(訓練場 夜)
Training Grounds | Evening
ディミトリ: 村では……見苦しいところを見せたな。皆も先生も、参っていただろうに。
Dimitri: Professor... I...I'm sorry you saw that side of me in the village. It must have been quite a shock to you and the others. I'm mortified by my behavior.
When I saw the chaos and violence there...my mind just went completely dark.
Choice 1: 自分もだ I felt the same. (Dimitri ⤴)
ディミトリ: ……そうか。先生でも、そういうことがあるんだな。
Dimitri: I see... So that happens to you as well, then.
Choice 2: 様子が変だった You weren't yourself.
ディミトリ: ……そうか。いつも極力、感情を表に出さぬように心がけてはいるんだが……
Dimitri: I see why you would say that. I always strive to keep my emotions at bay, but...
Sometimes the darkness takes hold and...it's impossible to suppress. It just shows you how lacking I am... I have much to learn.
ディミトリ: ……先生。いつか、人にはどうしても受け入れられぬものがあると話したな。
Dimitri: I've told you before...that some day we may find ourselves facing something we simply cannot accept.
That's what the chaos in Remire Village was to me.
Solon and the Flame Emperor are both beasts who must be eliminated. Demons who kill the innocent. They aren't even human at this point.
Choice 1: 炎帝は関与していないと言っていた The Flame Emperor said he wasn't involved. (Dimitri ⤵)
ディミトリ: はッ、奴の言葉が信じられるのか?……お人好しも大概にしておけ。
Dimitri: And you believed him?! He doesn't deserve our forgiveness.
He became an accomplice when he refused to turn himself in and return with us to the monastery.
炎帝のことは "He" なので男であると認識している。yupeco.icon
Choice 2: なぜ、そこまで怒る? Where is this anger coming from?
ディミトリ: 確かに、俺にとって村の住人は、関わりの薄い他人かもしれない。だが……
Dimitri: It must be hard to fathom. It's true that I don't have any strong connection to those villagers. And yet...
ディミトリ: ……先生、俺はな。4年前に、ダスカーで同じ地獄を目にした。
Dimitri: You see, Professor... I saw the same flames of torment just four years ago...in Duscur.
王国将: ……死にたくない。
Kingdom General: Please! Have mercy!
王国兵: 痛い、熱い、嫌だ……。助けてくれ、誰か……母さん……。
Kingdom Soldier: Gah, the pain! Make the burning stop! Help me... Somebody...
ランベール: ……討て。仇を討て。俺たちを殺した者を。殺せ。絶やせ。滅ぼせェッ……!!
Lambert: Avenge us! Those who killed us... Tear them apart! Destroy them all!
ディミトリ: ………………ッ。
Dimitri: Ugh... Gah...
My father...my stepmother... Four years ago, they lost their lives to those flames.
I'll never forget... I still remember their faces. Their screams. The tortured last moments of every person who died that day...
But right now...all that matters is that we do whatever we can to help the surviving villagers get back to their normal lives.
ディミトリ: ……ありがとう。それじゃあ先生、また明日。
Dimitri: Thank you. For everything.
There's a reason that I came to the Officers Academy. Just one reason.
I came here for revenge. And one day, I will have it.